‘Acta Militaria Mediaevalia’ is a peer-reviewed journal and declares adherence to the highest ethical standards of publication. All articles contradictory to them will not be published. All cases of plagiarism will be reported.
The authors declare that they are the original authors of the work and that the paper has not been directed for publication elsewhere. In order to preserve the principles of reliability and the quality of scientific work, the editorial board of the journal introduces procedures aimed at placing barriers to the cases of ‘ghostwriting’, ‘ghost authorship’ and ‘guest authorship’. The author submitting the manuscript is obliged to provide information on the contribution of other authors or collaborators, and declares that any parts of the text taken from other authors or sources will be properly described.
The submitted publications are evaluated first by the Editorial Board, which analyze the paper in terms of formal, technical and substantive. The editors reserve the right to refuse publication of the article in a situation when the initial assessment is too unfavorable in relation to the editorial assumptions.
By submitting a paper for publication to ‘Acta Militaria Mediaevalia’, the authors agree to the review process. Materials proposed for publication are forwarded to reviewers for opinion, provided that they have not yet been published in another publishing house and have not been submitted to other editorial offices. Editors provide articles for review, trying to avoid any conflicts of interest between authors, editors and reviewers. They also guarantee that all information related to the submitted texts is confidential prior to their publication.
The papers are then reviewed by two reviewers, specialists in a this field, who are not a member of the Editorial Board. The texts may not be reviewed by persons who may be in conflict of interest with the author. The review procedure is carried out in accordance with the rules of confidentiality and is bilaterally anonymous (eng. double-blind peer-review). Reviewers evaluate texts only on the basis of their content. Reviewers are not allowed to use knowledge about the work before its publication. If they feel that their qualifications are not sufficient for proper assessment of the theses presented in the publication, they should inform the editor and resign from undertaking the reviewing process.
At the same time, the Editorial Board, on the basis of its own opinions or reports submitted by reviewers, reserves the right to propose amendments, the implementation of which depends on the final decision on publication. After final approval for printing, the text is subject to substantive and linguistic editing as well as adjustment.
Articles and any other materials published in “Acta Militaria Mediaevalia” represent the opinions of the author(s) and should not be construed to reflect the opinions of the Editor and the Publisher.
Paper version is a primary version of “Acta Militaria Mediaevalia”.
All authors of papers submitted for publication in ‘Acta Militaria Mediaevalia’ are obliged to sign editorial agreement with the Historical Museum in Sanok.
Paper Review Form of ‘Acta Militaria Mediaevalia’, vol. ……
Title of the paper
Reviewer (Name and Surname, e-mail)
A. Paper Evaluation Criteria | Scale: 0-5 pkt. |
1. Conformity of the content to the title | |
2. Does the summary correspond to the content of the paper? | |
3. Research value of the work and accuracy of conclusions | |
4. Composition and clarity | |
5. Quality and choice of illustrations | |
6. Research method | |
7. Originality of the problem | |
8. Choice of bibliographic material and extent to which it is used | |
9. Linguistic and stylistic correctness | |
10. Overall evaluation | |
B. Reviewer Recommendation | Yes/No |
Suitable for publishing | |
Accepted for publishing without corrections | |
Accepted for publishing after corrections according to Reviewer’s instructions | |
Accepted for publishing after revision according to Reviewer’s comments and after another review | |
Not suitable for publishing |
C. Information for Authors
D. Information for Editors of ‘Acta Militaria Mediaevalia’, concerning the decision to accept the paper (the comments will not be disclosed to the Authors).
– Studies and Materials – text’s size: unlimited; source materials and synthetic articles representing series of artefacts with a comparative study;
– Announcements – text’s size: up to 10 pages; discussions of single artefacts or introductory information about new series of militaries; short discussions of collections;
– Discoveries – short notes: only up to 500 words, notes concerning single artefacts with background literature;
– Reviews – text’s size: only up to 5 pages; reviews of books about medieval arms and armour;
– Chronicle – text’s size: only up to 5 pages; reports from medieval armour’s conferences and exhibitions; obituaries, etc.
A. General information:
– articles should be written only in Polish or in English;
– in a case of English versions of articles the name of translator should be added;
– the main text should contain information about author/authors (academic title, author’s name, author’s affiliation and e-mail, number in ORCID system);
– in separate document must be added five sentenced Abstract with five Key Words and maximum one page Summary;
– all submissions are considered by the Editors in the first instance. Suitable papers are peer-reviewed.
– Authors will receive a proof of their article as a PDF file. Please note that only typographical or factual errors may be corrected at proof stage.
B. Word processors:
– articles should be written only in MS Word (Windows) or Open Office (Linux), but files must be saved in Word format (doc., rtf); column’s size A4 – 210×297 mm; font Times New Roman, format 12 points, 1,5 space between the lines.
C. Principles of the text preparing:
– titles should be clear and short;
– every paragraph must be finished by pressing Enter key;
– please use only Oxford footnote in the text, i.e.: round bracket – surname – the year of the publication – comma, number of page – comma – figure (fig.), plate (pl.), table (tab.) etc. – round bracket, example: (Kotowicz 2006, 58, Fig. 3:1). When there are three or more authors (Janowski, Kotowicz, Michalak 2008, 167), only the first author’s name is given in the text, followed by et al., e.g. (Janowski et al. 2008, 167);
– all the names of localities and persons from non-Latin languages in main text and footnotes should be changed by using the rules of American Library of Congress (www.loc.gov./catdir/cpso/roman.html), e.g. ??????????? = Kirpichnikov;
– classic footnotes should include supplement information, not bibliographical positions;
– abbreviations: ca. – circa
– Contents of plates should be listed in a separate document.
D. Bibliography:
– quoted publications should be placed at the end of the text and marked by Bibliography. If Author uses all kinds of publications: Sources, Unpublished manuscripts or Scholarship, he must list them in this order;
– the Bibliography must be prepered by using the following rules:
a) the names of the Authors must placed in alphabetical order;
b) the publications in non-Latin languages must be additional tranliterated by using the rules of American Library of Congress (loc.gov./catdir/cpso/roman.html), e.g. ??????????? ?. ?. 1966. ????????????? ??????. ???. 1. ???? ? ????? IX-XIII ??. „?????????? ????. ???? ????????????? ??????????” ?1-36. ??????–????????? = Kirpichnikov A. N. 1966a. Drevnerusskoe oruzhie. Vyp. 1. Mechi i sabli IX–XIII vv. „Arkheologii?a SSSR. Svod arkheologicheskikh istochnikov” E1-36. Moskva–Leningrad;
c) bibliographical citation scheme:
Tereszczuk D. 2002. Wczesnośredniowieczne uzbrojenie na Lubelszczyźnie (VIII-XIII w.), Lublin (typescript of M.A. thesis in Institute of Archaeology of University of Maria Curie-Skłodowska in Lublin).
D’Amato R. 2010. The Betrayal: military iconography and archaeology in the Byzantine paintings of XI-XV centuries AD representing the arrest of Our Lord. W: L. Marek (red.), Weapons bring peace? Warfare in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. “Wratislava Antiqua” 18. Wrocław, 69-95.
Nadolski A. 1954. Studia nad uzbrojeniem polskim w X, XI i XII w. “Acta Archaeologica Universitatis Lodziensis“ 3. Łódź.
Nadolski A. 1971. Historia uzbrojenia w badaniach nad kulturą materialną Polski średniowiecznej. “Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej” 19/4, 627-643.
????? ?.?., ????????? ?.?. 2000. ?????????? ? ??????? ???? ?????????? ????????, „??????????????????? ??????????????? ??????” 2 (3) (access to article on site: http://archaeology.kiev.ua/journal/020300/komar_sukhobokov.htm – access 17.08.2020).
E. Plates:
– all plates should have descriptions which are to be listed in separate document;
– plates should be numbered in the order of reference appearing in the text;
– plates (abbreviation: Fig.) should be drawn in a white paper and scanned at resolution 300 DPI; the biggest format 22 (height) x 16 (breadth) cm;
– explanations of the plates should be put in the captions;
– captions must have a name and a number of excavation site or a kind of artefact, and an author to whom it refers to (i.e. after Oakeshott 1997, fig. 1 or drawing by P. Kotowicz or photo by D. Szuwalski);
– list following plates in a text : fig. 1:1,3 (different objects) or fig. 1:1-3 (the same objects);
– photos must be scanned at a minimal resolution 600 DPI in TIFF format.
An article should be delivered to the editorial staff on e-mail adress actamm@gmail.com.
Because of the fact, that we must keep cyclical edition of following volumes “Acta Militaria Mediaevalia”, texts will be accepted only to the 15th March every year.
Authors will receive one copy of the journal and article in pdf format.